Saturday 30 July 2011

End of day 2

I accomplished a lot today.  First I patched the holes in the wall.  There are lots of great videos on the web about how to patch drywall.  I personally like this one How to patch holes in drywall.  It won't be ready to sand until tomorrow afternoon.

It's a little hard to see with limited light in the bathroom right now.  I have 3 different colors of paint on the wall to help choose one.  Could this be considered modern art?

My son came over and helped me to take out the old toilet. It's not hard to remove or install a toilet but it is heavy so I enlisted his help. We took the old one out to the garage for now. I bought a Wagjag coupon to have 250 lbs of junk removed for $35. After the electrical experience I'm wondering if they are going to make me load up the truck myself.

I also cut and dry fit all of the tiles.  

Last but not least I mowed the lawn and now I am going to go and 
sit on the swing for a while and enjoy a perfect summer evening!

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