Sunday 24 July 2011

I got myself in a jam

I didn't really get in a jam, but I made some.

I have saskatoon trees in my yard and last year was my first big crop.

This year we have had unusually cold and rainy weather so they aren't ripening as fast as they did last year but I was still able to pick an icecream pail full on Saturday.

and make 15 varying sized jars of jam.

There will be a lot more to pick yet and I see pie in my future.  In the meanwhile I have to be content to admire this donut that I knit up.  Found this cute pattern here the only modification that I made was to use size 3mm needles instead of the recommended 2mm.  I did make one with the 2mm and it was miniature size.  The 3mm gave me a pert' near perfect size.

I spent some productive time last week knitting.  I decided to write down exactly what I wanted to accomplish by weeks end and managed to get more done than I sometimes would.

Stitchy Baa

I made 3 of these coffee cup cozies to use as gifts.

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