Thursday 6 October 2011

Paige's Perfect Pizza

My daughter is a creative cook.  She's able to root around in the fridge and come up with a great meal when it seems like the cupboards are bare.  My mom is the same way.  I'm more of a 'follow the recipe' kind of cook and I really admire cooks who just wing it.  She came up with this super simple, super fast and super healthy pizza.  She uses a tortilla wrap, spreads pizza sauce on it, sprinkles on her toppings - tonight we had garlic, ham, mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli and cheese.  Then she bakes it right on the rack at 375 or 400 for about 8 minutes. 


A little modern art to go with the pizza

This blob of knitting will eventually be a Harvest Moon sweater.  
Pattern by Heidi Kirrmaier available on Ravely.

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