Monday, 24 October 2011

Better Late Than Never

My cousin had a baby in July and I've had "make a baby gift and mail it" on my to-do list for months.  I'm not usually a terrible procrastinator so I can't really explain why I was this time.  Do other people suffer from selective procrastination?  She also has a 6 year old so I picked up a Halloween book for the 6 year old and I knit the baby some Halloween socks. In some ways this is kind of more fun than the normal baby coloured anything....I'm grasping at straws to explain my tardiness...anyone buying it?  I was busy...I had jam to make, a bathroom to renovate...what can I say.  In any case, my point is that it truly is better late than never.  I'm sure my cousin will get a kick out of them and will forgive me for not being in touch sooner than this.  Sometimes we let things drag on and think it's too late but it's never too late to tell someone that you were thinking of them.  

Witchy Baa tried them on and they fit perfectly.  

Monday, 17 October 2011

All About Autumn

I know I'm not alone in thinking that Fall is the best time of year.  The colours are breathtaking.  Is there anything more comforting than a hot cider or a meal made in the slow cooker on a cool day?  How about pulling out your hand knit sweaters and feeling that snuggle you remember so well.  I know that the season immediately following this one is not going to be that much fun but for these few glorious weeks of spectacular colour there is no other season.

Monday, 10 October 2011

What is your Gratitude?

Mine is -------  Healthy children, my own health, my faith, family-especially my parents, friends, pets, job, living in Canada, books, music, my apple laptop and my iPod (thank you Steve Jobs), my table saw and drill, my home, my vehicle, coffee, yarn, fresh fruit, HGTV, fall colours, the hard times that have shaped me ...... and so much more!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Paige's Perfect Pizza

My daughter is a creative cook.  She's able to root around in the fridge and come up with a great meal when it seems like the cupboards are bare.  My mom is the same way.  I'm more of a 'follow the recipe' kind of cook and I really admire cooks who just wing it.  She came up with this super simple, super fast and super healthy pizza.  She uses a tortilla wrap, spreads pizza sauce on it, sprinkles on her toppings - tonight we had garlic, ham, mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli and cheese.  Then she bakes it right on the rack at 375 or 400 for about 8 minutes. 


A little modern art to go with the pizza

This blob of knitting will eventually be a Harvest Moon sweater.  
Pattern by Heidi Kirrmaier available on Ravely.